Update on City of Palm Coast’s Makeover of Palm Harbor Golf Course
It’s taking longer than we thought it would, but then we knew it would. First play now projected in September 2009.
Palm Coast, Florida – July 12, 2008 – Nearly every day, one or more GoToby.com readers inquires about the status of the City of Palm Coast’s takeover of the Palm Harbor Golf Course. Many have noticed that no dirt has been moved so far. Remember folks, it’s the government here. Nothing happens quickly in that arena, but progress has been made. I rely heavily on the Friends of Golf for information. They worked hand-in-hand with the city during negotiations with Centex centered on the city’s acquisition of the Palm Harbor Golf course. Once refurbished by the city, it will be a municipal facility. Here is the latest communications from Friends of Golf:
Dear Friends of Golf Member……………..
We know that all of you have been patiently waiting for the start of activity at Palm Harbor or at least some word of what to expect in the coming months. A tentative timeline has been developed, based on a no-permit determination from St. Johns River Water Management District being issued in August 2008.
To date…………The City has applied to the St. Johns River Water Management District for transfer of the existing permits to the City. The City’s position is that so few changes will be made that no new permit has to be issued. To date that determination has not been definitively made, but CEC (The Architectural Design Group hired by the City) has submitted a revised package to SJRWMD for this purpose.
A list of pre-qualified contractors has been developed by the Project Manager. This pre-qualification was done to ensure that only experienced golf course construction companies are considered for the award of the construction contracts. When the time for bidding arrives, only these pre-qualified contractors will be asked to submit bids.
July 2008…………City will advertise a request for quotes from Golf Course Management companies to take over day-to-day operations. It is anticipated that during this time the SJRWMD will visit the project site and review the submittal package.
City will advertise bids for various portions of work on the course.
August 2008…………It is expected that a no-permit determination will be received at this time from SJRWMD. Once this determination has been received, bids from pre-qualified construction companies will be considered and evaluated.
September 2008………….City Council will review and approve Construction Bids and Management Company proposals.
October 2008……..Construction work to begin.
May 2009………..Construction work to be completed.
June/July/August 2009………..Grow-in and landscaping (no golf)
September 2009……………Golf course open for play.
While this time frame may seem a bit disappointing in that we have all been anticipating an earlier opening for our course, everyone is aware that when dealing with bureaucracy, patience is a required virtue. Be assured that your City officials are 100% behind this project and their intent is that the golf course be completed as quickly as possible.
Friends of Golf Steering Committee – July 11, 2008
The other dead golf course
It’s nice that something positive is happening for those who live and play at Palm Harbor golf course, and with a definitive time table.
Since, Toby, you don’t seem to mind asking the tough questions of Ginn, how about contacting someone over at Landmar and getting an accurate update on when they will reopen MATANZAS WOODS GOLF COURSE. It’s basically the same situation as what Centex did to Palm Harbor. Pine Lakes and Cypress Knoll being finished having nothing to do with Landmars decision to do nothing at Matanzas and let it sit closed. Those who live and played at Matanzas deserve an answer, not some pabulum pushed out to buy time and nothing else.
Palm Harbor
It’s unfortunate that the City didn’t see the wisdom in hiring a local team to handle this project especially in light of the current status of the project. The City missed a great opportunity to hire a local team of professionals that included the original golf architect to oversee the restoration of Palm Harbor. This team included people who live and work in our community (tax payers) and who had the qualifications to perform this work. During the selection process by the City, this team was ranked by the selection committee in a tie for first with the the team that was ultimately selected (a team of professionals from outside our community). Maybe there is lesson to be learned in all of this – use the local talent especially when it is perfectly qualified to perform the work.
Mantanzas Woods Golf Course
Hello Sam & Jay:
What does the it mean that Mantanzas Woods is a Former Tour School for Qualifying?
Right hand side, midway down the page:
George Edward Chuddy
chuddy at bestnetpc com
Thanks again.
Matanzas & Qualifying school
Matanzas woods was to be the ‘crown jewel’ of the golf courses that Landmar was supposed to rehab. It was, back in the late 90’s, a location for some Q school qualifying and is considered one of the best courses to play in Palm Coast. It is probably why Lanmar bought land around Matanzas and was going to expand & build on their investment. Now it’s just an empty golf course looking worse everyday. It’s their business decision to let the golf course sit dormant. It, however, may be in violation of FDUPTA. Though no contracts were agreed to with land and homes owners, the implication and the stated goal at the time was to rehab the course and tear down and make bigger the clubhouse. They are letting their best golf course go to pot and it’s effected everyone who decided to buy or stay at Matanzas based on the well reported, at the time, plans they had. I have attempted to contact them with pointed questions but they have avoided answering any of them except that they may get started next year, but no promises. They have proven to be a terrible neighbor to those who live in Matanzas Woods. Everyone there has had their property values effected at a time when any additional adjustment down in value is just adding unsult to unjury. I would be shocked if anyone at Landmar, Hampton, or Crescent could give a definitive answer. In the mean time hiring a lawyer, contacting every owner in or around Matanzas that has been effected and filing a class action may our only option.
Mantanzas Woods Golf Course
Hello Sam:
Thank you for the explanation.
What exactly is the FCUPTA? I only have our signed copies of the Palm Coast C&R with signed and recorded July 1971 and the Florida Land Use Plan signed and recorded dated same; is that what you mean? I also have the advertising promos’ from that Dr. J. Norman Young and era also and can’t see that reference there either. Are you referencing sections 16. (b) or severability 17. in the C&R;s or the 1974/75 Agreement with the FTC and ‘The Company’ I only have a 1970’s synopsis of The Agreement; do you have the Full FTC Agreement; if so, may I please see it for my record keeping? Thank you.
George Edward Chuddy
chuddy at bestnetpc dot com