Watchtower Buys Former FAA Training Facility in Palm Coast for $7,025,000
The facility was owned by Embry Riddle and had been leased to the FAA. Watchtower plans to use the facility in much the same manner as did the FAA.
Palm Coast, FL – June 30, 2014 – Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, an entity of Jehovah’s Witnesses, purchased the former FAA training facility in Palm Coast from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University for $7,025,000. The sale closed last Friday. Tom Tallaksen, of Watson Realty’s Palm Coast office, represented the buyer. Claude Gardner, of Prudential Commercial Real Estate in Daytona Beach, represented the seller.
The facility is at 4500 SE Palm Coast Pkwy, between the eastbound and westbound lanes, just west of the Toll Bridge. The 13.45acre property has a 53,504 square foot administrative building and two 44,704 square foot dormitories, each with 100 rooms. The Flagler County Property Appraiser‘s assessed value is $8,891,305. For years, the property was leased from Embry Riddle by the FAA as a training facility. That lease expired at the end of 2012 when the FAA relocated their training mission and was not renewed.
“The people from Watchtower were great to work with. They are a quality organization,” said Rodney Cruise, V.P. for Administration at Embry Riddle. “As the seller, we wanted to make sure any buyer would continue to provide Palm Coast with the same level of economic activity as the FAA had and that they would maintain the beauty of the location. We could not be more pleased with the outcome.”
Watchtower plans to use the site as a training facility in much the same manner as did the FAA. No major renovations are planned or needed. “Embry Riddle had been a good steward of the property. Everything had been maintained at a high level,” said Tallaksen.
CEO Jehovah
Jehovah gets into business deep! It should be an entrepeneur god!
Maybe associated to some syndicate or some industrial confederation…
By Banjo
Banjo plays wrong tune
Sounds like banjo is a bit jealous. Look up Jwitness for the real scoop on the net
To find out anything you want to know about Jehovah’s Witnesses, a.k.a. your friendly neighbors, simply visit or stop by your local Kingdom Hall. There are NEVER any collections taken and visitors are welcome.
Most people are surprised to know that the entire organization is funded by voluntary (mostly anonymous)donations.
To find out anything you want to know about Jehovah’s Witnesses, a.k.a. your friendly neighbors, simply visit or stop by your local Kingdom Hall. There are NEVER any collections taken and visitors are welcome.
Most people are surprised to know that the entire organization is funded by voluntary (mostly anonymous)donations.
I used to work for the WT building office for over
there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes that the average JW doesn’t know. all they know is what is displayed on the highly sanitized website. but, it’s no different that the government or any other large organization, religious, political or otherwise. who wants their dirty laundry aired for the public to criticize. JWs are not perfect, nothing on earth is. let them be.
I used to work for the WT building office for over
there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes that the average JW doesn’t know. all they know is what is displayed on the highly sanitized website. but, it’s no different that the government or any other large organization, religious, political or otherwise. who wants their dirty laundry aired for the public to criticize. JWs are not perfect, nothing on earth is. let them be.
Can’t StopJAH
as the Congregation of JAH on earth continues to grow & move along w/JAH’s powerful backing, in line with the Celestial Chariot (visioned in Ezekiel), more & more is taking place that may surprise JW’s & the world in general. so – WE CHEER & PRAISE ALMIGHTY GOD FOR ALL HE DOES & ALLOWING US TO HAVE SOME SMALL PART IN GLORIFYING HIS NAME!!
let the babbling critics, ridiculers, complainers & whiners & apostates scream, ‘Foul!’ all they want; WHO CARES-?!?!? LOLOLOL like Satan, they always try to find fault & then accuse relentlessly-! SO WHAT-?!?! Jehovah’s Witnesses CANNOT be stopped because our GOD CANNOT be stopped, and even Satan knows that. but like the psychotic, prideful, maniac on Death-row that he is, he influences the world opposed to JAH to do the same. WHATEVER!! LOLOLOLOLOL
I worked for Watchtower in Brooklyn
For several years I was assigned to work at their works headquarters and I can tell you this organization is anything but peaceful and benign. It is a corporation with only one goal: make money and maintain control of its cult members that give them their money and their slave labor.
Thousands die every year because of this damaging group. Google it people and wake up!
Training for…
Training volunteers for what purpose…..the same as the almost 8 million other imperfect JWs. To live lives that reflect Bible principles and share the truth of God’s promises with others, bringing comfort and hope to them, as Jesus did.
The word Christ ian means just that. The purchase of the property for this purpose is admirable. The surrounding community will be pleased with their new, peaceful neighbors.
Earthling Man
Greetings, did you know that after Adam salvation only went to the Jews. Isaiah 43:10. Then later the true God Jehovah caused a visible miracle to happen for the whole world to see,Gentiles get saved.Note..
14 Sym′e·on has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name.
15 And with this the words of the Prophets agree, just as it is written,…..Surely you agree with the Prophets rather than Satan’s apostates?
Please investigate what you are involved in. This is a cult.
If the is not the true religion
I quote Peter,” Lord whom shall we go away to”.
I’ve come from Christendoms religions, and I can say with full knowledge of what else is out there. If Jehovah’s Witnesses do not have the truth, than the bible is a book of man and there is no God.
some people don/t understand
Some people do not understand what the truth is. There eyes and hearts are blinded by a veil over their eyes and they mostly do not know what the truth is. Just visit one of our kingdom halls and see what Jehovah witness are like .If you have any knowledge at all you will see that we have the truth.
Will Palm Coast be their Training Ground?
With space for 200 “trainees” at all times, does this mean that there will constantly be 200 “door-to-door” sales people running all over the place in Palm Coast? Will there be any controls or restrictions over their activities in the area? Will the police remove them from areas where solicitations are prohibited or will they be exempt from that?
I don’t why anybody would think this is a good thing for Palm Coast. Wouldn’t a non-exempt taxpayer who might generate economic activity for our area be a much better resident?
some people
there are some people that just want to be bad mouthing an organization. there are some such as banjo. J.W struggle. Amy mason. and Barry. they say we are cult far from the said he work at headquarters I do not think so. And Barry you would not have any better people.and our organization does not solicit. and if you do not want us to talk to you when come to your door just say so we do not get mad. may Jehovah God bless all of you.
Powerful Organization
We are a powerful organized group. This is just one of thousands of properties worldwide.
Ive been associated with them for over 40 years. Have not seen any misconduct as a group. Certainly is better than what any other religion has to offer. People fear what they don’t know. So why not talk to them next time you see them, get the answers directly.
Peace and contentment
What ever the buildings and grounds are used for it will be for the betterment of the community and the entire world of mankind. MONEY WILL BE BROUGHT INTO THE COMMUNITY AND SUPPLIES WILL BE PURCHASED AND DELIVERED. FUEL WILL BE PURCHASED,ELECTRICITY WILL BE USED JOBS WILL BE CREATED . The cleaning of the facility and grounds will all be done by volunteers who willingly give of their time. Funding all came from voluntary donations as well as the maintenance of the facility will be from voluntary donations and those of us that do so consider it a joy to do so. All of the materials for that work have to be purchased, more revenue for the community.
Nothing but good can come from this purchase and may-be the real estate company and sales person will generously donate some of their large commissions from the sale to the betterment of the community also, to say nothing of the income tax that had to be paid to the Internal Revenue from the sale, there by benefiting the USA.
Mockery and Cult
The Jehovah Witness’s do not believe in the Trinity “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” the Son meaning “JESUS THE SON OF GOD”and therefore are a false religion and will have to answer to GOD for the way they change the Bible through false translations and changing GODS Word. They are all false profits who work for Satan …and yes if they are training they will be practicing on all of the area harassing people. Just ignore them as they are so brain washed they are like robots and only so call witness what they have been programmed to do!!! Best thing to do is pray to our Father in heaven for these mislead sheep of the devil and his demons.
Have Tried All Other Religions
To Amy Mason,
Please look up the definition of a cult before you accuse us as being one. We have nothing to hide, we invite others to check us out. We don’t expect memberships in our place of worship. You have closed your mind and have been blinded. Your not searching for the truth, therefore, will not find the truth. As a JW, I have investigated. I have also investigated the Bible.
so sadly mistaken
I have been associated with this organization for 57 years and I have never seen anything dishonest about them. They are an organization of truth. With the world in such condition as. it is as a result of so much dishonesty, I would think people would appreciate those who are honest and above board. The Bible is the answer to all mankinds problems. Our literature helps people to understand the is Gods book and He lovingly have it to us so we could find answers to our problems.please read. Learn for yourselves what the truth is. Truly this is the only answer. Examine our website JW.Org. Thankyou
Defining Cult
The only difference between a religion and a cult is the ease in which one may exit the organization, should they choose to. Everything else from emotional manipulation to sectarian arrogance is exactly the same.
So, feel free to visit your local kingdom hall and see for yourself. While you’re there, ask an elder about the details of disfellowshipping.
Some things to consider befor forming an opinion.
When reading or reviewing negative statements about Jehovah’s Witnesses, please keep in mind these three facts about the source of such statements.
#1 It comes from people who have never been witnesses and therefor do know know the beliefs of JW’s. Ether they are repeating falsehoods and or gossip they have heard or read or they have personally been offended for some reason or have a political agenda.
#2 It comes from ones who were once Jehovah’s Witnesses and due to a repeated habit of immorality or uncleanness had to be fellowshipped from the congregation and still harbor ill will.
#3 It comes from ones who were once associated in some manner with Jehovah’s Witnesses but became inactive and began to align themselves and thoughts with persons of the above two conditions.
Please feel free to attend the public meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses and find out for your self.
There is no truth in the “truth”
The JW society has been lying to it’s members since it was first made up in the mind of Pastor Charles Taze Russell.
The religion began on a false prophecy that jesus took power invisible in 1874 and was going to return to earth 40 years later in 1914. He was lying then, and the organization continues to lie today. They made Drastic revisions to their false 144,000 prophecy in 2004 when it became clear the generation of 1914 Was ALL DEAD.
The babble saus to beware of false prophets, and yet the JDub organization is the biggest bunch of false prophets that have ever existed.
Fine, you are not a cult, but you are anything but “the truth”
If you Long for Something Better
All my life I searched to be close to Jesus even as a little girl. When my mother would not go to church I went by myself. As I grew older I use to say about the witnesses those people are crazy. But here I am today one of them. Why? Because I researched for myself whether or not the things they were teaching me was the truth. I did not want to be in a Waco TX situation or a Jim Jones (CULT). Also, as a single mother I loved and wanted to protect my babies. We as people are lazy. In a since instead of searching out things we rather believe what others say. We must as individuals for ourselves seek out whether we are worshiping the Almighty God the way he wants us to. Yes, his name is Jehovah. His son Jesus Christ. Do it for yourselves open your hearts and minds.
Hidden from Jehovah’s Witnesses has a free multipart series about the Jehovah’s witnesses, very compelling. I hear part 8 will be coming out soon, looking forward to it. Well researched and shows so many things that are Hidden from Jehovah’s witnesses.
a better sourronnding
since the organization of Jehovahs witness moved in the area has become a meaningful. It has the improved the value of property. You should be thankful for such pleasant neighbors who are peaceful and very pleasant to be around. Have a good day and may Jehovah keep your places of consealment safe.
Tax exept JW’s help the economy?
How is a tax exempt group of poor (the lowest medium income of all religions) volunteers going to help the economy of this area?
We are NOT a cult
Cults are crazy people that have leaders that require complete submission like the FLDS. They teach that everyone who does not listen to them and do what they say are going to be killed by God like the Moonies. They have crazy teaching that require some of their followers to die to prove their loyalty like the coolaide cult. They think women should be seen and not herd…. Oh I think I need to re-examine a few things.
2 title lv
I belive that this about the meteorite thst hit mexico in 1980 yet it seems we have boat stuck in forzen mountain by chicago then we have a meteorite that hit in mexico cause edivence base therpy if baldmir arroyo was born in feb 29 of 1980 there 2 things that happened in 1980 where the meteorite hit in mexico or the forxen boat in thw
That frozen moutain either than thst there one in the million dna national by ancestry where in i was born in 1980 then explain to me why once a upon of time in the state of new yourk there was really good place to grow marijuana where new yourk was new Amsterdam befire it was captured by the btithish other than that kort knotts i open the safe and left it open other than that there reason why out of know where i have baldmuir arroyo medical card on mrach 17 1980 then the private orgainxation which responisable for the missing ibn number right
JW’s Comprise 1% of the 2016 Worlds Population!
Listening your your sad stories which I used to repeat….yes you all just “Repeat” everything you are told on Thursday and Sunday!
The End is Near……..interesting but we all know that already and we dont need JW’s filling us in!
The entire WTB&T Society and its active Members total one percent of the Earths Population. That being said……then your story is that our loving God is going to kill off and destroy 99% of this earth?
No Way No How
Anyone that “Thinks for himself” will have to realize that and wonder what “False Teachings” is he listening to and heeding?
The Story started by Charles Taze Russell (who was a strict lecturer and screamer and finally lost his mental Compacities) to Judge JFRutherford who took the “Torch” and began his own Strict Harsh
Screaming Threatening Rein….then to Knorr who finally had some serious Doubts about two things…..the 144,000 as an exact number and doubts about when and how Armageddon was going to take place and last but not least…..Knorr had serious doubts that the Governing Body was leading the JW’s down the right path?
The Generations have come and gone….and now I hear of some new ones that “Claim” they are the Remanant/144,000. still down here on Earth??? That might have be conjecture as I dont know if it is Fact but that is equally disturbing as THE STORY REMAINS THE SAME….THE DATES KEEP CHANGING AND NEW LIGHT HAS COME OUT (From Where Exactly did this light come from…..possibly Franz)Franz was the ” Very last One” of the Governing Body who held on and on…….the Society is sizing down……what is that building for…..other than putting the older generation out to pasture as none of them have any money!
My GrandFather followed this crap around since 1925 and when he finally died @ 92 years old……..he was penniless and had nothing as everything was provided to him by others! What a waste……and no I now dont think he is above us at the 144,000 he claimed to be!
What a Snare and a Racket This JWThing has become……shrinking so fast that they are hoarding all the Billion Dollars of Cash and Poor-Mouthing to every Congregation to get contributions faster and faster………………..the End is near for Them! Sad but True!