Attorney Hosts Chinese Drywall Town Meeting in Palm Coast
No Chinese drywall discovered so far in Flagler County but residents are still concerned. Meanwhile, misinformation and scams abound.
Palm Coast – July 14, 2009 – [Updated July 15] David Durkee, a Coral Gables attorney, immersed in the Chinese drywall issue in South Florida will host a 7 P.M. town meeting on the subject July 23rd at the Hilton Garden Inn on State Road 100 (corner of Town Center Pkwy). So far no Chinese drywall has been discovered in Flagler County, but based on the known ports of entry and the extensive amount of building in the area, Durkee suspects there are probably some undiscovered cases.
Durkee will explain the issues and suggest checks the homeowner can make themselves (free) to determine whether they may have Chinese drywall. The growing number of Chinese drywall inspection and remediation scams will be covered too. Being an attorney, he will also talk about legal options for those affected.
[Update] Sincde this story was posted, I’ve heard from a handful of sources that there is at least some Chinese drywall in the Flagler/Volusia area. At least on home is undergoing remediation (drywall is being ripped out). Regarding suggestion that you only have to look in the attic; the Chinese drywall was primarily 1/2" which is used in walls. Ceilings are constructed with 5/8" drywall.
Chinese drywall in Palm Coast
Toby, I am sad to report, but there are at least two homes here in Palm Coast.
The signs are very clear, but it is also easy to check. "Made in China" is printed on the drywall and can be checked from attic.
Chinese Drywall
The labeling of the drywall is a good way to check – however, one of the best ways to check is to determine whether the ground wires on the electrical outlets have turned from a copper color to black. Also, check the black copper on your air conditioning coils. See for more info.
Reply to Anna
Thanks for the update.Chinese drywall is not always easy to find. There are cases where it was used in walls but not ceilings.