Tuesday Golf Channel Segment Examines Ginn Real Estate Bust
A segment on the Golf Channel’s August 4th Golf in America broadcast examines the effect of Ginn’s collapse on the world of golf at large.

Now many of Ginn’s communities are ghost towns. Homes sit in foreclosure and some courses are still without completed clubhouses. GOLF CHANNEL’s Rich Lerner speaks with a whistle blower who details the Ginn real estate bust and what it means to the world of golf at large. Lerner’s segment can be viewed during the Golf in America show Tuesday evening Aug. 4th at 10:00 PM on Golf Channel.
The segment has been heavily promoted this weekend during Golf Channel’s coverage of the Buick Open. The promotional comments promise a revealing look at the Ginn real estate bust:
"A promise unfulfilled or possible fraud?"
"These guys are experts at conning the public."
THIS IS A MUST WATCH for those with Ginn connections.
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Toby…Thanks for the info…Should be VERY interesting…Keep up the GREAT WORK…YOU are the Jersey Shore’s link to Palm Coast real estate! CPD
OPM , not OPUM but adictive
Other Peoples Money (OPM) is how Bobby did it. He found that those with a lot of money always wanted more. The Walt Disney of Real Estate, saw money from looking at swamps,just as Walt did, and with all of the cartooning to sell it. Just as Tiger Woods was taught by his dad, Bobbys dad taught him building. Then bigger and bigger he became, both in finance and ego.This program should be a good one. I’ve seen his droppings, all over Hilton Head in the 80’s, and here in PC. Now the courts have to sweep it up.
Come on Ya’ll!!!!!
This is great…; when the PGA is now starting to blame Mr. Ginn for there problems you know the world is recessing. Give Mr. Ginn a break; he was trying but got caught in a shit economy and now everyone needs a scapegoat. My husband and I are very happy Ginn owners and shame on you if you point fingers; you should be embarrassed for yourselves.
Come on Bonnie!
Mam wake up!Mr. Ginn seems to be in a rut,since the (almost) same thing happened on Hilton Head Island a few years ago.
Get a grip
I have a question for these Ginn owners or Members who are so upset….how many of you folks got rich riding Ginn’s coattails and now want his head on a platter for a failing real estate market. Did he do shady deals, yes…did a lot of his members get wealthy while he did these deals…yes. A saying comes to mind, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!!!!!!!
here is the other side
first, mark lye built-on his own free will-a 4.1 million dollar investment home. how stupid does that look today? second, stephan frieze, who said prices were inflated..he bought a home for investment for 6.1 million and tried to sell it for almost 10million!!!!!!!!! now who is the crook?
I’m ashamed to ever have been associated with that SOB and his horrible business practices. I got sucked into the glory and had the wool pulled over my eyes.
Horrible what he did to all those people, him and his horrible sales tactics.
I have it on good authority that some associates from the new management company went to his property outside of Ehrhardt, SC and went looking for missing equipment. They found all kinds of things, among them were 2 Ginn tour buses that were literally hidden in the woods.
Something else that’s odd is 25+ Vehicles that are unaccounted for and missing. Not to mention the equipment that walked out of the door while people looked the other way in FL. Same thing happened in SC when Reynolds took over. Stuff just GONE and no one knows where it is.
Also, Bobby Ginn is no where to be found, at all…Just gone. Wouldn’t surprise me if he skipped country.
Follow up
I have a question, if these folks who bought during the peak had made a quick fortune would they still be upset? If the market kept going up and up would they be upset? Don’t blame Ginn because you paid WAY to much for a piece of dirt and now can’t sell it for pennies on the dollar!!
Give it a rest
First of all. Mark Lye works for the Golf Channel. We only have the opportunity to watch this epic television event because of his poor investment choices. Mark was the thrid owner of that property before he built. Secondly, Toby had to be absolutely pumped when he learned of this special because without any Bobby related news there’s no purpose to this website.
Reply to David
You are correct that people would not be mad if values continued to rise. The issue is not whether or not they paid too much for a piece of dirt. Clearly they did. The real question to ask is why they paid so much. Some say they did not do their due diligence. But if they were duped illegally into paying too much, they have a case. Were they or weren’t they? That is the question.