Palm Coast Pkwy Widening to be discussed at Public Meeting
Project and engineering study will be considered for the future expansion of Palm Coast Parkway to six lanes.
Palm Coast, Florida – December 22, 2008 – Palm Coast will begin the process widening Palm Coast Parkway from Cypress Point Pkwy/Boulder Rock Drive to Florida Park Drive with a public meeting on Wednesday, January 7, 2009. The 6:30 p.m. meeting will be held at the Palm Coast Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway NE. The project design is scheduled to begin in May, 2009. Construction could begin within the next two to three years.
Very Political widdening overdue
The widdening was planned for the I-95 at exit 289, and funded when the state was under Democratic rule. The city of Palm Coast was given a spanking by Jeb and funds spent eslewhere for Republican areas. Nothing being offered from Charles as a reward for voting either. I suggested the city does this with the monies they have for widdening from the impact fees, as they have about $56,000,000 just sitting in the bank. The state will require a review and approval of the work done in their right of way in the immediate area of I-95. They will also need the approval of the Federal government, as it contributes monies for the Interstates. The city has a history of not getting the cooperation of the state as was the case on the west side where the city widdened PCP for exit ramps to open up the Cyprus Point and Bolder Rock intersection. The street lights that the city put in were to close to the edge of pavement and the state held up allowing the traffic to use the new lanes until and agreement was reached. The city has to learn to follow the design requirements that the state and federal government have and incorporate them in the plans up front before submitting them for approval. If the city funds are used they will be paid back to us from both state and federal coffers. This also allows the city to incorporate designs above and beyond the minimum design that the state and federal government would do. That protion will not be state or federal funded but paid entirely by us. No matter how wide the roadway gets the intersections on both sides of I-95 at exit 289 will be slow and at capacity. This widdening will be the last widdening, as the next growth areas will be in the northern and southern areas of Palm Coast. The southern intersection at exit 284 of I-95 was done already and works fine once you get the turning figured out under the I-95 overpass. The northern traffic feeder will be the US 1 at exit 298 that needs median opened and traffic lights added. No other exits need to be made once these three are up to maximum design for traffic volumes. The traffic will be a nightmare while the work is being done. I’m recommending a bonus be put in the contract for speedy and timely construction, also allowing for night work. My background includes 13 years as a highway design engineer for New York State.