Palm Coast Metro Area Unemployment Rate Down but Still Leads State
Local unemployment rate dropped from 16.2% to 16.1%. State’s rate is 11.1%
Palm Coast, FL – December 5, 2009 – The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported October unemployment numbers. The Palm Coast metropolitan area’s unemployment rate was the state’s highest. It dropped slightly from 16.2% in September to 16.1%. The State of Florida rate rose slightly from 11.1% to 11.2% during the same period.
Behind Palm Coast were:
Port St. Lucie – 13.7%
Cape Coral/Fort Myers – 13.7%
Ocala – 13.4%
‘..The State of Palm Coast…’ 1987
‘…The State of Palm Coast…’
The Palm Coaster Spring 1987 Pg. 16
On February 4, 1987 ITT Community Development Corporation President Jim Gardner delivered his ‘State of Palm Coast’ address to the Palm Coast Civic Association. He reported "nothing but good news,: and included in that category were challenges ahead for ITT-CDC and local citizens. Here are excerpts: "The taxable value of the Palm Coast Service District has increased almost 600 percent since 1980, from $ 102 million to $ 566 million at the end of 1986. During that time the population increased from about 4,500 to almost 10,000 today. In other words, while the population has doubled, the assessed value for tax purposes has increased almost six times. Economic growth is the primary reason…bringing in more tax revenues without additional burden on residents…
Palm Coast’ emerging personality is a combination of our company’s activitiy and the strong, ongoing commitment of residents and local government…Palm Coast has matured to the stage where responsibilities for public services are being picked up by the public- a sign of a healthy, progressive community…
For , CDC was the only game in town. That isn’t true anymore. We have a good balance here now…industry, recreation, outside businesses coming in, healthy competition in the marketplace, government facilities, public services, schools, activities and residents who are making a difference. We remain the major catalyst, but our involvement in the running of this community is diminishing, as Palm Coast residents move toward self-governement and self-reliance…
Palm Coast citizens are moving ahead on many fronts…
The quality of our school system, the physical plant, the instructional staff, are all expanding because the citizens perceived the need and were willing to meet it;
A group of citizens bucked the many obstacles and went doggedly head to create from their own pockets and sweat a new rifle and archery range available to the public;
The Service District Advisory County, the fire department and county staff are engaged with us in a program to establish a new central fire station west of I-95.
The Civic Association is completing work on a major expansion of the RV storage compoung-a place that allows the community to enforce rules against parking of vehicles in residential areas;
The Hum;ane Society is pushing for expansion of its center;
The Chamber of Commerce has started work on its new headquarters building;
A group of citizens is involved in an intensive study of our local governments with a full public review planned…so we can mutually decide on what our government should be in the future;
The Civic Association has joined in seeking tougher enforcement of the covenants and restrictions that help to assure our high quality of life;
And the Civic Association is getting primed to initiate a community-wide cleanup effort so that the junkers, refuse dumpsters and garden-veriety litterbugs will, where possible, be prosecuted, and citizens will be enlilsted to help clean up their own neighborhoods.
The list could go on and on, for with every new project completion, another gets started.
I’d also like to take a look in the crystal ball for 1987 with these predictions:
1,300 new residents are expected to arrive;
FAA classes will begin in the fall;
Construction on the bridge will be well underway;
You’ll be shopping and dining out at St. Joe Plaza, eating chicken from The Colonel, seeing Wal-Mart nearing completion, stoppin by two lil’ Champ stores, taking pets to a new vet clinic, visiting doctors, dentists and professional at new office buildings on Old Kings Road;
Preliminary work on our fourth golf course in Cypress Knoll.
Wadsworth Elementary School will open its doors this fall.
There will be many others, but suffice to say Palm Coast is Booming, and tomorrow looks to be even better than today."
The Palm Coaster Spring 1987 Pg.6
The Sheraton Palm Coast
If we have used the word beautiful too many time, forgive, us.But with regards to the new Sheraton Palm Coast Resort – 154 rooms overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway, it forested shore and the Palm Coast Marina-we have little choice but to use it again. Here is a hotel that relects the high standards of the community around it. Nature played an integral role in its design; virtually all trees on the site were preserved; the lobby literally was built around oaks and palms- rising through the roof inside a glass-enclosed courtyard. The waterfront views seen from every room are the kind for which you stand several minutes and admire. The service is pure Sheraton, the atmosphere vintage Palm Coast. We walk inside through a docor of early Florida elegance, and see meeting and banquet rooms for up to 400 poeple…visiting convferences of local clubs, the perfect setting for either. We make plans to meet after our tour, for local seafood, steaks, or fowl at Flagler’s Restaurant; for a bit of relaxation later in Henry’s Good Spirits. The pool out back looks inviting; the scenery, both beside the pool and beyond it, makes us wish we had packed our swimsuits. All the while we are treated like royalty, just another word for guest in the Sheraton tradition of hospitality. Of course the tradition continues off the hotel grounds…at Palm Coast golf courses , the Players Club , other amenities and around town. In fact, between the scenery and friendly atmosphere, a few days at the new Sheraton Palm Coast Resort might be described as…hmmm…yes…the perfect word…Beautiful.
The Palm Coaster Spring 1987 pg.10.
Welcome to the ‘BoomTown’:
We continue now at a relaxing pace through the middle of a boomtown. One sure sign of a solid future is the arrival of new business today. And signs of these progressive times are everywhere: Wal-Mart, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Lil’ Champ stores, all coming soon; Shell Food Mart and Sun Bank, now open; prroposed expansion at the library, post office and animal shelter; professional and medical services; a new shopping center, west of I-95, now under construction; new companies at three inductrial parks. With all this activity come jobs, a more diverse and balanced economy, more services close to home, a strong foundation for future growth, and perhaps nicest of all…the advantages of a Boom Town minus the headaches. Namely, long lines of traffic; huge trucks on neighborhood streets; slit-session schools. You won’t find these in Palm Coast. As the community grows, gaining momentum with each passing year, the wisdom and foresight of long-range planning become apparent. Local residents and business leaders are committed to wise growth management and high community
standards. The future holds promise instead of problems. Not every Boom Town can say That…
Pg. 11:
From the desk of Avery Nye
Dear Property Owner,
Never have economic oportunities in Palm Coast been greater, both industrial and commercial. On this page you’ll see highlights of a few: New professional, medical and commercial space, as well as excellent industrial locations at three parks, offering rail, interstate and Waterway access.
If you are experienced and interested in running your own business in Palm Coast, please call for more details, toll free, 1-800-874-2101, and ask for ITT Land Corporation.
If you know of local companies in your area–perhaps even your own–looking into Florida relocation, please pass along the same toll-free number and have them ask for the Industrial Development Department. Our representatives can provide details on improving their bottom line.
If you are interested in emplouyement, there are several avenue to pursue, listed to the left.
Palm Coast is among the fastest-growning communities in a state where an estimated six million new residents will arrive before the year 1000. Business opportunity in this thriving community has arrived.
Both the present and future look bright.
Please give us a call.
Avery Nye, President ITT Land Corporation.
Pg. 13
A Community Park Begins…
A new $ 700,000 community park, designed for the young and young at heart, is underway on 11 acres between the new Wadsworth Elementary School and Belle Terre Middle School.
Financial support from the state, county, and school district made the park a reality, helped by land in in-kind services donations from ITT-CDC and an enthusiastic public.
Here’s what’s planned, all due for completion by summer, 1988:
A 7,000 square foot pool with multi use facility, built by PCC;
Three tennis courts, two racquetball courts, three softball diamonds, two soccer fields; Two ‘Play hills,’ the latest in playground design and equipment;
Extension of existing jogging/exercise trail;
Picnic area with gazebo.
The public will share the park with students and their programs, so it benefits many in many ways, the perfect compliment to SunSport Amenities.
An on and on Palm Coast grows…