Northeast Florida not among most vulnerable to hurricane strike.

Of the top ten areas listed as most vulnerable, only four are in FL


Hurrican Hugo 1989Where is America most vulnerable to a hurricane strike? The International Hurricane Research Center (IHRC) — the official center for Florida’s 11 universities that works alongside the National Hurricane Center — created a list of the nation’s 10 most vulnerable areas. To create the list, the IHRC looked at 12 criteria, though historic hurricane frequency, storm intensity and levee/dike failure were primary determinants. Other considerations include factors such as storm surge and freshwater flooding potential, coastal erosion trends and island breaching history. Socioeconomic factors involved populations at risk, evacuation distance and routes. Of the 10 areas, Florida netted four spots, though the greatest danger — no surprise here — is to New Orleans. The rankings, in order, include:

Most Vulnerable to Hurricane Strike
1 New Orleans
2 Lake Okeechobee
3 Florida Keys
4 Coastal Mississippi
5 Miami/Fort Lauderdale
6 Galveston/Houston, Texas
7 Cape Hatteras, N.C.

Eastern Long Island, N.Y.

9 Wilmington, N.C.
10 Tampa/St. Petersburg

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