No Section 8 Housing for Tidelands
How do these rumors get started?
Palm Coast, FL – December 15, 2009 – The Tidelands condominium community in Palm Coast, FL is not built out. There are still approved sites for additional condominiums. A reader called me yesterday asking if it were true that someone was going to build Section 8 housing there. The answer is "NO." Section 8 refers to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) program which provides subsidized housing to low income families and individuals.
Like most rumors, this one has a kernel of truth though. In fact, someone is in the due diligence process, but they have no plans for Section 8 (housing). Instead, their interest is in developing apartments on the site still owned by real estate developer Pulte Homes (who bought Centex). At this stage, the developer has had preliminary discussions with Palm Coast city planners but no application has been filed. An application will trigger a process which includes public meetings and time for public comment.
Who is this developer? It’s the same one who has already gained approval for an apartment complex at Beach Village; behind the new Publix on SR 100.
Rumor: (noun) a current story or statement without confirmation or certainty as to facts
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OK, but let’s not forget that rumors can be true also.
Is there any news updates on this potential activity to build apartments at Tidelands?