New Life for Old Brick Township
Turned down last year by the state Department of Community Affairs, the 5000-home project gets new life under changed political winds.
Palm Coast, FL – May 23, 2011 – UnderThomas Pelham, the state Department of Community Affairs turned down Old Brick Township within the newly annexed western portion of Palm Coast. The project had gotten high marks from others, but DCA felt that Palm Coast did not need another 5,000 homes. Now, under Billy Buzzett, recently appointed by Gov. Scott, the DCA has reversed course and approved the project w/modifications. The new agreement will face the Palm Coast City Council June 7th for approval.
The St. Augustine Register did a fine piece of reporting today: Read>>> St. Augustine Register
Toby’s Commentary: I supported this project last year and was disappointed in DCA’s ruling at the time. I think the fear of overgrowth is over-done. It will be 30 years before this project is built out. And it won’t be built unless the demand is there. Smart growth means clustering density, leaving large areas for nature corridors and wetland recharging. Old Brick Township does this. It will also have a commercial component, allowing for many residents to work nearby rather than commuting.
Work Where in Palm Coast?
Tobys comment on the Old Brick Township: "It will also have a commercial component, allowing for many residents to work nearby rather than commuting." TO THIS I ASK; WORK WHERE TOBY? In one of the few retail stores in Town Center? Jobs in Palm Coast are few and far between.
Follow the yellow brick road
Here it’s a good idea if this was a novel and the men behind the curtain were the City of Palm Coast leaders. The straw man obviously is the Governor, and the Lion is the unwilling buyers, with the tin man funneling money down his hat to the politicians.
But this is not, and the storm of massive proportions is here,blowing the housing market away.
Wake up from your dream, and get jobs here first, then housing will follow.
Do the right to work moves as South Carolina does and get a manufacturing base that has all levels of jobs for everyone.
Follow,follow,follow the yellow brick road to work first.
Can’t support current housing ??
With so many existing homes now empty, why do we want to open construction on new housing. I agree with the other respondent. Let "jobs" drive the houseing market, which we have "none", currently. We will end up with more vacant communities, that Palm Coast taxpayer footed the bill for infrastructure.
where’s the water?
The area won’t support infinite growth and signs are already signalling the area water supply is showing depletion in meeting the existing demands. Yes there is a job growth problem, however like all natural resources fresh water is limited and creating a growth beyond the capacity to supply to create jobs and further demands on the resources of the area is self defeating. The argument that this growth can be done because the problems are years away is not valid.
Reply to Robin
Don’t look at today or next year. Look out over the next 30 years.