Have a Nice Weekend

See the Palm Coast Weather forecast compared to Rochester NY, Chicago, New York City, Boston, Toronto, Quebec, Portland, and Minneapolis.

Palm Coast, FL – May 20, 2011 – What’s your upcoming weather look like compared to Palm Coast, FL? You really should be here this weekend and next week too. If you’re already in Palm Coast, send this to your family and friends. If you aren’t here, well that can be changed too.
Note the date and time on the following screen shots from my iPhone; earlier today. Note: The bright yellow spots indicate sunshine.
Palm Coast, FL

Palm Coast, FL from GoToby.com

Rochester, NY

Rochester, NY weather from GoToby.com

New York City

New York City weather from GoToby.com


Boston weather from GoToby.com


Chicago weather from GoToby.com


Toronto weather from GoToby.com

Portland, Maine

Portland, Maine weather from GoToby.com


Quebec weather from GoToby.com


Minneapolis weather from GoToby.com

Call me at 386-931-7124. Tell me what type of home or condominium you’d like in Palm Coast. I’ll introduce you to a Palm Coast Realtor® who knows the market and who will take special care of you. The median price for a single-family home in Palm Coast in April was $125,000. See April Home Sales.

1 reply
  1. Jim Sheehan
    Jim Sheehan says:

    Losing friends

    Toby, I don’t know why I listen to you. I sent our weather report to all my friends up North just as you suggested. And they all responded back with unkind comments! I won’t have any friends left once winter gets here.

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