Hammock Beach Unveils Plans for Proposed New Oceanfront Lodge and Golf Facilities Complex
Hammock Beach Club operator Salamander is introducing the project to club members and property owners first, unlike the failed bull-in-the-china-shop attempt by Front Door five years ago.
Palm Coast, FL – March 28, 2014 – The Hammock Beach Resort in Palm Coast, FL will be getting a new 198-room lodge and golf facility if plans unveiled by Salamander Hotels & Resorts, gain the support of members and property owners and the approval of Flagler County.
Salamander’s open and forthright approach to club members and property stakeholders is in stark contrast to the failed attempt five years ago orchestrated by Front Door, acting on behalf of Lubert-Adler. Their tactic of negotiating behind closed doors with county staff before springing their aggressive plan on Hammock Beach residents and the Flagler County Board of Commissioners resulted in a stormy backlash and denial of their project plan. Front Door is no longer in the picture at Hammock Beach.
Salamander engaged the Hammock Beach Club Advisory Board of Governors, Hammock Beach Club members, the several affected condominium boards, and the property owners’ associations representing The Conservatory, Ocean Hammock and Harbor Village Marina. This community inclusion and the relatively low elevation profile of the planned structure (compared to earlier proposed structures) bode well for this proposal.
Another plus is the additional promise of a $700,000 upgrade to the present lobby, co-funded with the Hammock Beach Club Condominium Association. Also included will be upgrades to the existing spa and fitness center, refurbishment of Delfinos restaurant and renovation of Loggerheads.
The new lodge will be situated between the 18th hole and 16th road. It will include 198 ocean view guest rooms, a new oceanfront Atlantic Grille, new golf facilities and 1,800 square foot Members’ Only Club Room. The elevation of the new structure will be no higher than the existing structure. The existing golf course will not be changed.
Extending the concept of stakeholder inclusion in the process, Salamander has invited property owners to a presentation of the new Lodge and Club improvements on April 5th. With the expected Club member and property owner support, Salamander will move forward to obtain county approval and to secure funding.
Are they building another golf course or using the present one?
Hammock Beach Lodge and Golf
Dear Tobby,
Does the article above mean that 198 rooms will be added to the existing Hammock Beach Resort. Will a new golf course also be built, and do you know if this golf course will be offering memberships.
Thanks……D. Widom
Reply to David and Bob
No new golf course. Only a new building for the pro shop and locker rooms, etc. I believe the Club currently offers outside memberships. Call and ask for the membership director for details.
Not Approved by the HBCCA HOA
Phil Pate