Bill Filed to Kill Major Impact Fees
Florida cities and counties would be barred from enacting transportation or school impact fees until mid-2015
Palm Coast, FL — November 14, 2011 – Florida cities and counties would be barred from enacting transportation or school impact fees until mid-2015 under a measure filed last week by Rep. Mike Weinstein (R-Jacksonville). House Bill (HB) 603 would prevent the levying of concurrency fees for roads and schools for development permitted before July 1, 2015 and completed before July 1 2016. "I’m trying to help find ways to motivate potential projects and developments to get them off the starting line," said Weinstein, who said the measure would help jump start a moribund construction sector and spur development during tough economic times without completely taking control away from city and county officials. The bill allows local officials to override the moratorium by a two-thirds majority vote of the local governing body.
Toby, Bless Rep Weinstein! THAT is a seriously sound idea which could help stabilize lot prices and spur housing starts which would be the fastest way to increase employment. Skilled trades are starving to rejoin the workforce and their employment would boost the local economy in all kinds of related industries. The realtor and builder associations should line up in support of this sensible legislation George Whelan
kill major impact fees
What should the owners of the empty stores and buildings do? We have an abundance of inventory, new construction will hurt the existing real estate more down the road. Need to keep construction on hold till inventory goes down. Attracting new business will boost everything, old and new..Let’s get those business guru’s working on bringing new busines to area.