B of A Foreclosure was a Mistake
Buyer pays cash. Months later, the bank got title through a foreclosure action.
Palm Coast, FL – September 23, 2010
By Harriet Johnson Brackey: South Florida Sun Sentinel
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — When Jason Grodensky bought his modest Fort Lauderdale home in December, he paid cash. But seven months later, he was surprised to learn that Bank of America had foreclosed on the house, even though Grodensky did not have a mortgage.
Grodensky knew nothing about the foreclosure until July, when he learned that the title to his home had been transferred to a government-backed lender. "I feel like I’m hanging in the wind and I’m scared to death," said Grodensky. "How did some attorney put through a foreclosure illegally?"
Read more: MiamiHerald.com
Lawyers still get paid
So may foreclosures so little time. B of A now has another meaning.
B of A
I sure hope he sues the rearend off of B of A and the Law Firm. His credit history will probably take years to cleanup. The Lawyers should be disbared for sure.