Palm Coast’s Palm Harbor Golf Course on Track for Fall Opening
Friends of Golf Steering Committee reports progress on the new Palm Coast municipal golf course.
Palm Coast, FL – July 31, 2009 – The Friends of Golf Steering Committee reports on their Wednesday meeting with Kemper Sports. In a nutshell, progress is on schedule for the Palm Harbor Golf Course (Palm Coast’s new municipal golf course) to open this fall.
Here is the report sent to Friends of Golf Members:
To All Friends of Golf…………..
At a meeting on Wednesday with Kemper Sports and the construction team and the full Friends of Golf Steering Committee, the following new information was confirmed:
1. The course is doing well. Sprigging was completed last Friday on the entire course. The rains which took place in mid-May caused some immediate problems, but these were overcome and things are now back on target. They have actually begun mowing greens on the first 11 holes that were sprigged. The greens have been sprigged with Bermuda Tifdwarf. The fairways and tees are Celebration Bermuda, a new strain of Bermuda which exhibits exceptional shade tolerance. Fairways, tees, greens and immediate rough should be in good shape for an opening in the fall. The sequence of holes is still in question and it has not yet been decided whether a change will be made from the previous configuration. The request for quotations on carts are already out to several companies. There will be no GPS since it is not cost effective.
2. Plans are ongoing for the purchase of a new triple-wide clubhouse. It was decided that the used one previously discussed was not suitable. It is expected that this purchase should take place in the next 2-3 weeks. The plan is for about 3,000 square feet with a food facility which has interior seating for about 40 and an outside deck which would handle another 40 or 50. This deck would be open-air at the start, with the idea of covering or screening it at a later date, as finances permit.
3. By the end of August there should be a General Manager and a Sales and Marketing Manager in place. At about the same time, information will be published regarding rates and player programs………..we know that everyone is waiting patiently for this information. Memberships will most likely be in the form of an annual discount pass or frequent player program and there will be a discount for City residents.
4. An inter-active website for the course is currently being brought online. It should be accessible sometime in the next two weeks. We will give you the web address just as soon as it is made available to us. At that time you will be able to go in and look around and begin populating an e-mail database. There will also be a link on the website for those who wish to investigate employment opportunities at Palm Harbor.
The construction team has asked that we pass on a request to our members to please refrain from visiting the interior of the course. It is a work in progress and will benefit greatly from a strict “no traffic” policy ……..This includes bicycles, walking, and………..heaven forbid!!…………. golf clubs!!
We are at last almost ready to cross over the finish line!!!
Friends of Golf Steering Committee
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Kudos to Friends of Golf Steering Comm.
What wonderful news that Plam Coast will soon have it’s very own municipal golf course. We all owe much gratitude for the time and effort put in by the Friends of Golf Steering committee.
Golf Courses
Hi Toby, any word on Matanzas Woods Golf Course renovation?
Realistic Fundraisers at Palm Harbor Golf Couse?
Anyone have any idea how realistic holding regular Fundraiders at our Palm Coast Golf Course would be like we once had? Suggested is that perhaps this time rather than giving to outside Counties we use the proceeds to maybe hire a Grounds Keeper for Mantazas Golf Course, if enough monies maybe get Matanzas Golf Couse Clubhouse up and rinning for dinners to hopefully to at least maintain it in the *Spirit of Palm Coast’?.
Palm Coast Golf Course Amenity
Such Joyous news to hear this !
How Wonderful, and believe us that no-one can be more thrilled at our Golf Course Opening than us since we, and others here paid aplenty for it the first time around.
For the New Arrivals, this Course was the first Golf Course in Flagler County, It brought *Championship* Golf to Flagler County.
It was first called the Palm Coast Golf Course, later, the Palm Harbor Golf Course.
There was a large concrete, block and stucco Entrance Marker identifying the area and giving Value to our homes there, sadly, it was demolished and that land also sold. The Marker we once had was similar to other Markers all around Palm Coast, but in Concrete – C.B.S., .
We’ve asked the city to give it to us back to replace the Value and Identification, we think they said yes, but this time, perhaps with ‘Showcase Neighborhood* on it since that is what we indeed were. (Adjacent to the original Core, was the prestigious and preferred *Executive Area* on Cole, etc. That is where the wonderful ITT Executives and Leaders resided and planned and shaped Palm Coast. The offices were required to move here locally pursuant the F.T.C. Consent Agreement of December 31, 1976. Prior the location was Miami – this gave a more direct hand on here, also this is how the St. Joe Grade ( Palm Coast Parkway) , the required I-95 Interchange, and the required Industrial Parks, down even to a required a Multi Purpose one stop Shopping Area, ( Our cherished Publix Shopping Center) a Business and Professionally landscaped Business building, to always be ready to attract business came about) To our knowledge this was the first and only time a Developer was required to pay for all this, especially ths I-95 Connection.)
We’ve been told the *Boat to Golf * Dock Feature we were shown as a component and feature of this Amenity will be restored, once again made accessible and public again. IF this is correct it will be great for the Realtors, moving forward, to let the prospective Buyers in the Canal Sections that they can just *boat over* to play Golf and or for Social as we once were able to all last Century. Hopefully, since we are in competition with the Villages, who offer Golf Free for Life and Lifetime Memberships at the Clubhouses this *boat to golf* feature can somewhat counterbalance what all the Villages is offering.
Auestion for the Avid Golfers – is there anywhere else in Florida that has this ‘Boat to Golf’ Dock feature"? We ask ‘cuz if this is the only place the city can hopefully use this to PROMOTE Palm Coast to Proseptive Buyers in the Canal Areas.
For the New and recent arrivals, our Golf Couse, was for decades a Public Course open seven days a week. whereas, the three other sisters of the Original Names *Four Sisters* was semi private. This was the "Palm Coast Projects’ design plan, that is, everyone in Palm Coast would have access to these Recreational Areas, whether it be for just Golf, or for Social, or a going out to Dinner choice location, or for fundraisers, not all totally Golf Related held there. It was great to have these reasonably priced Fine Cuisine areas to select from last Century. The Four Sisters were Multi faceted and multi-purposed and open to all Palm Coast Residents since that was the Developers Committment to all of us – that was the *Palm Coast Project* = at 93,000 = 106,000 Acres = the largest planned Community in the Nation; the largest New Town in the World’.
** AD 6904A, Reprinted for ‘Environmental Affairs’ Volume2, Number 1, Spring, 1972, An Approach to a New City: Palm Coat by Dr.Norman Young and Stanley Dea – we have it in its entirity should anyone want to read about our Heritage and Origins.
We think this is the first *Benefit* at our Golf Course that we attended.
Here is an excerpt:
Benefit Golf to aid Heart Association.
The Palm Coast Golf Club will sponsor an all day benefit men’s golf tournament October 16th, with the proceeds going to the Canaveral Area Heart Association.
According to Palm Coasater Wilma Weed, chairwoman of the event, a donation of $50. ( entry fees) covers the greens fee, use of an electric golf cart and a post tournament cocktail party at the Palm Coast Yacht Club.
Arrangements for the event were coordinated with Mrs. Weed, James McGloin, Palm Coast’s sports amentities director and Burton Thompson, the community’s golf Professional.
**The Palm Coaster, Volume 5, Number 3, Fall Issue 1974, p. 4.
We hope the city continues with Events we had for decades last Century; it would be nice to at least have back this.
On a personal note, we often would join friends at our Beloved Matanzas Course for social and /or dinner. It has been sorely missed. We were at our youngest *Four Sisters* for its Grand Opening where Arnold Palmer…well you know…against the Matanzas Clubhouse. We think that Matanzas Golf Course, once the finest Golf Course in Florida, and known as the ‘Beautiful Monster" has increased significance since the "Jefferson Davis Wateray" runs through it ; of great importance hopefully since the feasibility study is presently being conducted to make this area a "National Heritage Area’ by Congress, since commerce was occurring at all the many many Plantations here shipping their wares to St. Augustine via the three waterways here, even prior to the U.S. becoming the U.S.A.
Relatedly, it is suggested that Bill Amick, Nancy Lopez, and Arnold Palmer at the least be extended and invitation for the opening to avoid faux pau- it would be a great gesture. Perhaps even tracking down members of *Arnolds Army* and *Nancys Navy* along with the *19th Holers Group.
Ms. Raffie Janko, another early Golf Course Purchaser, says when she returns from her N.J.condo she is going to order a Flagler Best Hot Dog and Cold Brew, for us…we’re ordering a Double Scotch.
Think about it folks, don’t bother to drive your car over for a Hot Dog or Eats, come on over by just your Boat – Heck why not ‘Boat Pool’ over with friends without your automobiles. It will be nice hopefully to see this happening again.
Thank you.
George Edward Chuddy
Reply to Susan
Both Landmar and their parent, Crescent Resources are in Chapter 11 bankruptcy and nearly all developers have new development on hold. I do not expect to see anything happen at Matanzas anytime soon, certainly not within the next year.