From Boom to Bust and Back

Jorge Perez, CEO of Related Group, has steered his real estate firm out from under $2 billion in debt, a feat the so-called “Condo King” lists as his greatest accomplishment.

Palm Coast, FL – February 14, 2011

As the boom-and-bust epic has played out across South Florida’s condominium market, mega-developer Jorge Perez has played the role of either city-building hero or greed-driven villain, depending on who’s telling the story.
Perez, chief executive of Miami-based Related Group, says he doesn’t concern himself with labels, but considers the past few years to be his finest work.
“You do what you do, and at the end of the day you live with the results,” said the 62-year-old responsible for transforming much of South Florida’s skyline. “People have to take risks, and we were willing to take the risks.”
Full Story >>> Miami Herald [Business Monday]

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