Flagler County Property Tax Exemptions: Filing Deadline Coming Soon

Flagler property owners have until March 1 to qualify for their 2011 property tax exemptions. Here’s a rundown on exemptions for which they may qualify.

Palm Coast, FL – January 19, 2011 – According to James E. Gardner, Jr., Flagler County Property Appraiser, Flagler County property owners have until March 1 to qualify for their 2011 property tax exemptions. Exemptions are subtracted from Assessed Value to determine taxable value. Here is a rundown on exemptions for which property owners may qualify.
$50,000 Homestead Exemption – Property owner must be able to claim the property as their permanent residence as of January 1 of the effective tax year. If you are an existing Homesteader, you should have received a white card which you keep as a receipt for the 2011 exemption. First time applicants must apply at the Flagler County Property Appraiser’s office in person. Applicants must bring:
  • Florida Drivers License or ID with the correct mailing address
  • Florida vehicle registration with correct mailing address (if you own a vehicle)
  • Flagler County Voter’s Registration with correct mailing address (if you vote)
  • Social Security Numbers of all applicants and spouse
  • Proof of citizenship or of permanent residency if you were not born in the U.S.
This information is required of all people who will be occupying the home.
Do not confuse Homestead eligibility requirements with other residency requirements. You do not have to live in the home six months. You must validly claim your Homesteaded residence as your permanent residence as of January 1 of that year. That claim must be exclusive. As of January 1, you cannot benefit from claiming permanent residency in another dwelling in any other jurisdiction. You may own any number of homes in which you live during other times of the year.
$50,000 Senior Exemption – This exemption applies to the County and City millage only. Qualifying taxpayers must qualify for a Homestead exemption and reach the age of 65 by January 1 of the year in which the exemption is claimed. The household adjusted gross income cannot exceed the property tax year’s income threshold set by the Florida Department of Revenue. The 2011 exemption threshold is $26,203 based on your Federal 2010 income tax return. Apply by March 1 but you have until June 1 to provide necessary income tax forms.
$500 Widow/Widower Exemption – You don’t qualify if you remarry or if you were divorced before the death of your spouse.
$500 Disability Exemption – for permanently disabled
$5,000 Disabled Veterans Exemption – U.S. military personnel with service-connected, honorable discharged, disabilities of 10% or more
$500 Blind Exemption – for the legally blind
$25,000 Tangible Personal Property Exemption
Total Exemption – Honorably discharged veterans who are Totally and Permanently Disabled due to a service connected disability qualify.
Total Exemption For Veterans – Honorably discharged veterans who are Totally and Permanently Disabled due to a service connected disability qualify.
Non-Veteran Total Exemption – Must be confined to a wheelchair with a total income of $25,544 or less.
Additional information: Flagler County Property Appraiser website www.flaglerpa.com or give the Property Appraiser’s office a call at 386-313-4150.

5 replies
  1. Rose
    Rose says:

    homestead exemption

    What happened to our Homestead exemption in the amount of 50,000. The notice this year only shows an exemption of 25,000.
    Re tax year 2012 Flagler county property appraisers office.

  2. Esther Dimon
    Esther Dimon says:

    Property tax exemption

    Concerning instructions for applying for tax exemptions, should the year "2011" be read as "2013" and "2012" for "2010" for recent tax returns?

  3. Toby
    Toby says:

    Reply to Rose

    I suspect you are looking at the Flagler County School Board portion of your tax bill. This $25,000 exemption is no different than in previous years. Review of your tax bill will show that all other taxing districts provide a $50,000 exemption for homesteaded properties.

  4. Rise Corpas
    Rise Corpas says:

    Homestead Exemptions.

    Dear Mr. Gardner,

    I am a Palm Coast Resident since 2006. My permanent Residence since 2006 is at 11 Rydell Lane, Palm Coast, Florida 32164. I own this property and it is the only home I own. I am a Registered Voter of n Florida. I own an Automobile Insured and Registered at 11 Rydell Lane. In Palm Coast., Florida. I possess a Florida Drivers Licence. My Utilitiey Bills for my home at 11 Rydell Lane are in my name and they are currently up to date. I maintain my property lawn and swimming pool in good condition. I am a Palm Cost Permanent Resident who is a Disabled, Senior Citizen who
    Homesteads. I qualify for all of the requirements for Homestead Exemption as out lined in the Homestead Statute. I pay a to Social Security and I am a United State Citizen, whoI provided this information to your Office when I originally applied for
    Homestead Exemptions..

    I live tin my home and I own no other homes anywhere in Florida or in the United States. Recently, I was Diagnosed with Cancer. It is necessary for me to travel back and forth to Sloan Kettering Hospital to receive Chemotherapy and Radiation and to follow up with my Doctors. It has become necessary for me to sell my Florida Home due to my medical and travel expenses which entail travel to and from Florida to New York. It is for these reasons that I have placed my primary residence st 11 Rydell Lane, Palm Coast, Florida for sale.. I am currently back and forth between Florida and New Yotk. For the necessity of selling my home, I have placed the majority of my furnishings n storage. I maintain only necessities and beds necessary to sleep and cook when I come home. I deliberately keep my home bare of furnishings to promote its sale.

    I have been informed by Ms. Karen Barney that I no longer qualify for Homestead Exemption because my home is only partially furnished and it is listed on the MLS.

    I disagree with Ms. Barney,’s reason to deney my Homestead Exemptions, since her reasons are not founded on the Florida Statutre for Homesteading and because I qualify for Ho Estrada and do not disqualify for any reason.

    I am respectfully requesting an adjustment in my bill to include the Exemptions I am entitled to since I originally applied. To the Property Appraiser since the very beginning. Of my Hone Ownership.

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