CNN Features Palm Coast’s Floating Doctors – Watch Video
A tide of recognition comes in as volunteer medical group gets ready to sail for Central America.

Floating Doctors is the world’s first globally-mobile, self-contained medical aid and research vessel. The team led by Dr. Ben La Brot and aided by his sister Sky will make the twelve to eighteen-month voyage on the Southern Wind to each location arranging 10-day clinics onshore to treat people. The Southern Wind, is a 76-foot expedition sailboat outfitted for long offshore operations. Floating Doctors has two 16-foot medical tents that will be setup onshore for 10 days at each location to conduct their healthcare operations. The team will be joined for shorter periods along the way by volunteer doctors and specialist from around the world to augment the full-time crew.
When asked, "Why Palm Coast? You’re both from California." Sky replied, "Palm Coast is where our boat was." The Southern Wind was acquired from Palm Coast residents Dennis and Jeannette Dean. It needed a complete overhaul. The volunteer group did much of the work which began in April themselves.
Floating Doctors has received substantial donations of medication and equipment. They’ve also secured a partnership with Direct Relief International in Santa Barbara, who donated the remaining balance of supplies needed for this medical mission. They can always use more donations. Floating Doctors is a 501(c)(3) corporation so all donations are 100% tax deductible.
To learn more about Floating Doctors, visit their website.
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A great sailing trip with a great deal of work!!
This group has big heart!
Floating Doctors
I worked for years with Project HOPE and know full well how important is the work you are doing. Teaching people how to care for themselves and others is more than bandages and I truly wish you Godspeed. Your mission is an affirmation of faith in humanity.